Friday, February 25, 2011

First time for everything

About 10 years ago my sister was discussing her blog in an email to me and I said, what? Don't you mean you are keeping a log? She laughed, as only a big sister can to her little sister, and introduced me to the 21st Century. Well, I've always been a slow learner, and now I am just starting to have a blog myself. And only because I must as part of an eInstitute I am participating in at UWB.

My quest is to sort out what sorts of networked technologies will help my students and colleagues learn - both here at UWB, and in a very dispersed network of conservationists worldwide. I'm feeling very much at the bottom of a huge learning curve, looking more or less straight up.

Most of my questions center on how to search for and experiment with different options for networking, word/video production, etc., efficiently - both for myself (as I have no time either), and for my students (who often are really trying to milk the most out of every minute). I've tried some things (teaching with wikipedia assignments, wikis, elluminate, digital stories, delicious), and it is time to continue to try new things and refine. So this is what this blog is about -- what I'm sorting out as I go along.